
Archery tag

A successful second round of archery tag with 18 kids. Kids enjoy this fast paced game of aiming at targets and other players.

Field trip: Beryl's Chocolate Museum

 A visit to Beryl's Chocolate Museum  to learn about the delicious process of producing chocolate.  Cocoa beans are harvested from the cocoa fruit/cacao and fermented.  Cocoa flowers - tiny white flowers Fermentation Drying

Field trip: Geology Museum, UM

A visit to the Geology Museum at Universiti Malaya revealed a wonderful rock  & minerals collection. Dr. Hatta from the department shared a lot of interesting details about rocks. The pumice rock floats. It is porous and floats on water.  Rocks, Geology Museum UM View of a thinly sliced rock through a microscope

Field trip: Pusat Sains Negara

Field trip to Pusat Sains Negara after the renovation. There's a new section for drone fling & a cool ping pong table that uses a camera sensor to track the score. Drone flying for 2 mins

Field trip: Arena 51

Archery tag by Arena 51  was an exciting game. Players are divided into two teams & use foam-tipped arrows. It combines running and archery. 

Field trip: Ice skating

Ice skating at Sunway Pyramid using the buy 1 free 1 promo. A good outing for a hot day.