
Membership Guidelines & Policies

Please read all the guidelines BEFORE registering for Nature Club. The guidelines below help us to meet the group expectations and allows us to run smoothly.
  • Parents & children are expected to participate. This is a team effort. It is not a drop-off activity.
  • Recommended age group: 10-16yo (by current year) or non-crying children :)
  • Be punctual. Being on time allows your child to participate fully in all the activities and it shows respect for other people and their time.
  • Be respectful of others. 
  • No physical violence or bullying of any kind (hitting, slapping, pinching, pushing, biting, put down, name calling, leaving out, ignoring, social isolation, etc.) will be tolerated. If your child continues this behavior after correction/feedback, membership will be revoked for the entire family.
  • Be committed. Once you have made a commitment, please realize that we are counting on you. 
  • Emergency absences are excused e.g. medical, family emergency, etc. Keep us informed ahead of time.
  • Be willing to accept guidance & correction.
  • Cheerful participation is expected. No whining, complaining, grudging looks, pouting, unhappy glares or arguing. A pleasant child is a joy to others.
  • Parents need to monitor their child's activity. Uncooperative or disruptive children will be given verbal or text warnings & if there are no improvements, removed from activities.
  • Dealing with conflict. Disagreements happen. Try to resolve it with the person that you feel has offended you. If it cannot be resolved due to differing communication styles or expectations, please remember that our children are observing our example. Two options are (a) involve a 3rd member in the group as mediator. (b) leave the group tactfully without venting on social media.
  • Social media policy. For the privacy & protection of all members, the only person in the photo should be your own child(ren). Do not post photos without parental permission of other children/parents in social media. (online forums, instagram, facebook, etc.) 
  • Understand and give permission for photos of work done by the members to be displayed on this blog for the purpose of recording their work e.g. nature journals, drawings, notes, sketchbook, field trips, etc. Photos of children and adults will not be published on this blog.
  • Nature club will remain a small group and membership is limited. Our ideal number is 10 to 14 children to build friendships and for full participation.
  • Primary communication is through whatsapp group. It is your responsibility to read the messages & maintain your whatsapp group participation. Exiting or removal from the group means that you are no longer a member.

Disciplinary Issues
Below are the steps for disciplinary issues (disrespect, defiance, bullying, aggression, lying, biting, kicking, hitting, pinching, pushing, etc.)
  • 1st time - parent will be given verbal feedback or text message
  • 2nd time - parent will be given verbal feedback or text message; depending on the severity, removal of family from group 
  • 3rd time - removal of family from group 

Attendance & Punctuality
  • Expectations: At least 50% attendance. 
  • Punctuality. Being habitually late isn't very cool. We often organize field trips or activities that require a booking, being punctual is important.
Membership Application
Applications will be considered in this order
  1. Existing members who are punctual, committed, participative & without disciplinary issues. Families who meet this criteria will be invited to join the new term.
  2. New applicants. Successful applicants will receive an invitation to join the group.

Membership application is open for year 2024 after an intense interrogation session :)

If you agree to all the guidelines above & would like to apply for membership, send a MESSAGE to the person who posted this link with YOUR answers for the questions below:
1. How many children will be participating, how many tag-alongs, their names & ages?
2. Why do you want to join?
3. Are you willing to lend a hand? E.g. organize a session, bring materials, etc.

What happens if it doesn't work out?
Anytime that this isn't working out for you or your family, please inform the group that you'll be leaving e.g. pregnant, change of schedule, priorities have changed, unable to commit, have other classes, exams, studies, etc. and exit the whatsapp group. Please do not feel obligated to suffer through the year. No hard feelings. 

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