
Showing posts from February, 2019

Stars & Sky

Term 1 Jan-May 2019 1. Sun - sundial 2. Moon - moonphase box 3. Planets - planet sizes and order 4. Stars & constellations We had some cut-out constellations that has pin holes at the brightest stars that we viewed through a shuttlecock tube holder. Some of the ancient constellations are mentioned in history, the virgin (Bethulah/Virgo), the lion (Leo/Ariel). And some newer constellations such as telescopium, microscopium & camelopardalis (giraffe). Currently there are 88 constellations. Constellations are seasonal, for example (viewing from the equator): Jan-Mar – Orion, Taurus, Gemini, Canis Major Mar-May – Canis Major, Leo, Ursa Major May-Jul – Virgo, Southern Cross, Centaurus Jul-Sep – Scorpius, Sagittarius, Aquila, Cygnus Sep-Nov – Cygnus, Aquarius, Capricorn, Pegasus Nov-Jan – Pegasus, Andromeda, Taurus, Orion Constellations in the sky 5. Comets, meteors, asteroids, etc. Recommended material 1. Star Stories for Little Folks  free eb