
Showing posts from October, 2019

October is National Bullying Prevention Month

In conjunction with October is  National Bullying Prevention Month , these are some of the activities we did today: Highlighter hearts. Each child draws a heart shape of their feelings for BEFORE bullying and AFTER bullying using a highlighter. Divide the children into groups. Each group was given a scenario to role play for bullying and asked to discuss what would they do. To encourage positive behavior, the children cast votes for awards such as: Mr/Miss Manners, Friendly Friend, Helping Hands, Sportsmanship and Awesome Attitude Before bullying and After bullying hearts by the club Types of bullying Physical. Includes hitting, kicking, tripping, punching and pushing or damaging property Verbal.  Includes name calling, insults, teasing, intimidation, racist remarks or verbal abuse.  Social.  Sometimes referred to as covert bullying, it is often harder to recognise and can be carried out behind the bullied person's back. Includes lying, spreading rumours, negativ

Durian & Pak Choy

Durian & Pak Choy by P, 7yo


There are many pitaya (dragon fruit) farms in Sepang area, here are photos from a visit to HL Farm . Pitaya tree Young pitaya fruit Fruit can grow from each sharp thorns

Sweet potato

Sweet potatoes have many vitamins & minerals. Sprouting Japanese sweet potato. Photo by Ashley Sweet potato by K, 9yo Sweet potato & tomato by J, 9yo 


What's your favourite tomato dish? Mine is pizza. This tomato was planted from a seed. After a few days, it sprouted. A few months later, it started to flower. Yellow small flowers with 5 petals. I hand-pollinated the flowers using a cotton bud. One week later, small green fruits start to form. It takes around 1 month to mature into red ripe tomatoes. Tomatoes are fruits and not vegetables. The largest tomato in the world weighs around the same as a newborn baby ~3kg. The smallest tomato in the world is the size of a saga seed. Green tomatoes Ripening orange/red tomato Tomato by BlueBeautiful, 9yo Tomato by PinkPrincess, 10yo