
Showing posts from January, 2020

Weather/Climate study

Definition weather & climate "The weather is the condition of the atmosphere at the moment, while climate is the sum total of weather conditions over a period of several years." (Comstock, 1911, p. 780) Topics Subtopics & experiments are merely suggestions, please adjust according to your research, available materials, or allocated time. Experiments can be prepared beforehand & brought to the session for kids to try-out. Duration: 15-30 mins inclusive of experiments, games, recitation 1. Clouds Cloud identification Types of clouds - stratus, cumulus, cirrus, etc. How do clouds float Experiment/game? 2. Composition of Air Oxygen Nitrogen Carbon dioxide Other gases Water vapor Air pressure Experiment to show the composition of air or air pressure? 3. The Atmosphere Atmosphere layers - troposphere, stratosphere, mesosphere, thermosphere, exosphere Experiment to show atmospheric pressure (barometer) and weight? 4. Winds of the World. Earth&