Crocodiles & Alligators

J shared on Google Meet that crocodile is called buaya and alligator is called aligator in Malay. 

We can identify a crocodile & alligator is by looking at the snout. Crocodiles have a V-shape snout whereas alligators have a U-shape snout.

Crocodiles live near lakes, rivers, wetlands and even some saltwater regions. They can be found in the tropical areas of Asia, Africa, Australia and the Americas. Alligators live in freshwater swamps,lakes and slow-moving streams. They do not tolerate salt water. Alligators can be found in southeastern America (Florida and Louisiana), Mexico and China. 

The crocodile and alligator life cycle are similar: Eggs, baby alligator or baby crocodile, also known as hatchling, followed by the juvenile and adult stage.

Quotable: "It doesn't matter how dangerous crocodiles or alligators are, just RUN." by J

Click on this article for some tips on how to survive a crocodile attack. These Humans Survived Crocodile Attacks. Here Are 6 Ways You Can, Too


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